Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wooooww happy new year everybodyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ih ketelatan banget ya, udah nyaris setahun ga ngeupdate blog ini juga... =.=;;
Kasian si blog... Huikss... TT__TT;

Sekarang, there's another problem:

Ada aja ya orang oon macem saya...
Begitu buka blog, mana sempet lupa URLnya apa, langsung ngerasa asing...
Meliat-liat blog yang sudah lama ane tinggalkan, jadi bingung deh...
Sempet tanya-tanya Steph dulu, "Eh eh link blog gue apaan sih? Inget ga?"
Parahnya lagi GA ADA di history Internet Explorer gue, males banget ga sih... =.=;;;;;;;;;;

Udah banyak bacot, mending gue lanjutin lagi mengingat-ingat cara edit blog~~ Wohohohoho~


Saturday, August 30, 2008

I cut my hair!

Today~ Instead of going to French lesson (since flood came again, which is dumb), I cut my hair!!!
Mushroom hairstyle... =="
*Guys, don't laugh, OK*
I went with Pricilla~~
Woaa~ She changed a lot! I love her new hairstyle! Curlyyyy~~
Just hope nobody will laugh at me at school ya, ROFL
I will post a pic ya, on my Pics of The Week board ^^

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


아프다... Sakit buangeeet...
I twisted my ankle during basketball...
But it was fun though! XD
Wait... 잠깐만...
How can I walk...??
What a "Nano-nano" day today...
I laugh a lot 'cause of things happening at school but, at the same moment I'm stressed and sad too...
Weird ya? ROFL~
Well that's how I am...
Wanna listen to my story? Ask me on MSN *for those of you who got my MSN, LOL*

Argh, I hate the new s***als teacher!!!
He thinks he has ALL power over this class???
He thinks he rules 8J?? So NOT!!! We, 8Jers rules 8J!!!
He's NOT even our homeroom teacher, what the cr*p!!!

He even asked us: Who rules here?? Who rules THIS class?
Rather than we get into trouble we answered, lazily: You... You're the ruler...
And he said: YES! Exactly! I got ALL the power hee, you guys got ZERO power!! I've been 'winning' against al my students in my whole life, I NEVER lose! Got that??
We lazily replied: Yes...
But inside we screamed: NO!!!!
*well duh, of course LOL*

He added: If you go UP against me, you'll go into detention or I'll simple call your parents, is that HARD to understand?!


Who's not pissed at this? No one!

Geez... We want Mr. Ryan back... Why must he leave...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Indonesian Day today!

Yea~ School made me wear batik~ hahahah~
Wanna see me in batik? *GR mode on*
Well I'll try to post a picture yeah?
And also a video of our sucky performance *referring to year 8s* *dikejar sekelas*
We played Indonesian games, itu loh permaenan tujuhbelasan gitu gituuu~
There is krupuk eating, sarung soccer, bakiak *I only participated in this one*, and... what else, I forgot~

Our class had to sing and play gamelan for 'Suwe Ora Jamu', and it turned out into a silent song... hahahah how embarassing~ Only gamelan folks did their best job~ hahahah
The year 9's performance was the best! *well in my opinion*
Why? I'll post a video of it~ hehehe

The rest of performance was enjoyable. Well, some aren't...

When the foreign students here spoke Indo, they sound good and cuuuuute! ROFL~

It was a really great day~ Lots of fun, laughs, and sweats~ hahahah

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yay! First Time Making a Blog!

Finally~ *sighs*
I made a blog!
Welcome welcome!
어서 오세요!
Put some comments yeah?
Pretty pweaze? *Innocent Mode: ON*
Or if not...?
I'm gonna give you Xylitol gums... *laughing our loud a.k.a LOL*

*Bows & Shivers*